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Student Services

Teachers work as a team in identifying and appropriate programming for students. This team is composed of administrators, resource teachers, counsellor, classroom teachers and the Student Services  Services Support Team. The SSCU and SSSU provides service in the areas of social work, psychology, reading, speech and language and occupational therapy.

Resource Program

The goal of the resource program is to provide support for students to achieve their academic potential. Resource includes assessment, program planning, direct instruction, and consultation with students, parents, teachers, administrators and Student Services Clinical Unit personnel. 

Counselling Program

Counselling services are provided in partnership with the school social worker to assist students as individuals or in a group, with self-understanding, problem solving, and decision making in areas of social skills training, personal and social development. The counsellor provides consultation with students, teachers and parents, as well as co-ordination of both school based resources and outside agencies. Students and parents are encouraged to use these services. The counsellor also supports students with conflict resolution and mediation.

Career Information

Students are provided with various opportunities through a school year to explore the world of work.


Mediation is the method used by Munroe staff to support students with conflict resolution. Our belief is that conflict is normal and we realized that students may require a staff member help to mediate a dispute. Munroe staff are trained in mediation and work with students to talk through a problem and write their own solution.

Special Presentations

Special presentations through the year connect students to resource and information that are of concern to Munroe students. Presentations are on topics identified from our schoolwide survey results or those that staff feels our students may benefit from.

Supportive Agencies

A list of outside agencies that support students, parents and families and can also be accessed by clicking on "Resources" in the navigation on the left.

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