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Administration of Prescribed Medication to Students

Preferably, parent/legal guardians should make arrangements with their physician to have prescribed medications administered outside of school hours.  When it becomes necessary for a student to take any prescribed medication during school hours, it shall be in accordance with the following procedures:

  • Authorization for the Administration of Prescribed Medication to Students (JLCD-E1) shall be completed by the parent/legal guardians.
  • The first dosage of new medication shall not be administered at school. 
  • Medications must be delivered to the school by the parent/legal guardians or designated adult in the original pharmacy labeled container.  The label must be on the container itself, such as medication bottle, tube, inhaler, and not merely on the package. If requested, pharmacies will provide two original pharmacy labeled containers. One container may be used exclusively in the school setting. It is recommended that this container be a blister pack dispenser.
  • Medication shall be sent to the school in the proper dosage.  If pills are to be taken in a dosage that is less than one pill, they must be cut to the appropriate size before being delivered to the school.  Liquid medication shall be brought to school accompanied by a measuring device that shall provide the exact dosage.
  • A one-month supply of medication should be provided to the school when medication is to be given over an extended period of time.

Only medication prescribed by a doctor can be administered by the school.

Documents to be completed by parents to authorize the administration of prescribed medication can be found at the following link: Administration of Prescribed Medication to Students (JLCD-E1)


As there are an increasing number of students with life threatening allergies to nuts, school division policy states that parents are requested not to send items that contain nuts or peanuts to school with their children.


Should a child become injured or ill while at school, we will place a call to the parent/guardian.  If we are unable to reach the parent/guardian, we will then contact the emergency contact provided by the parent/guardian.  Please inform the school office of any changes to your address, contact phone number(s) or emergency contact information.

If an illness or injury is serious and we are unable to reach a parent/guardian, an ambulance will be called, at the parents' expense.

Occasionally, we find that cases of communicable disease occur in our school.  Once suspected or diagnosed, the child is required to stay home until treated. In the event that a student is at school with a communicable disease, a letter will be sent to classmates when required by Public Health.

Mental Health

Wayoata School is committed to supporting the development of positive mental health including building resiliency in students. Teachers have been trained to deliver Project 11, the True North mental health curriculum. Teachers have also been trained to deliver Mind Up, a mindfulness-based social and emotional learning curriculum. All classrooms use the Zones of Regulation program to help the students learn to manage their emotions.


Wayoata School recognizes its responsibility in co-operation with the home and community to encourage healthy lifestyles and acknowledge the important role that nutrition plays in the total development and performance of the individual.  Wayoata School also believes that the food served or sold in schools should reinforce good nutrition as emphasized in various government documents including the Manitoba Physical Education/Health Education Curriculum 2001.  Nutrition Policy Wayoata School Nov 2019.pdf

Tobacco-Free Policy

Please be reminded that the following policy also applies to the parking lot.

The River East Transcona School Division is a smoke-free environment. Out of consideration for the health and well-being of students, staff, parents, and community members, smoking and/or the use of tobacco products or electronic vaporizer devices is prohibited on all school division property, including all buildings, grounds, and school division vehicles. (RETSD Policy ADC)

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