Student Services
Student Support Team
The student support team includes the guidance counsellors, resource teachers, administration, and the learning assistance teacher. The team meets regularly to discuss student concerns and to suggest solutions to problems. The student support team also works with outside agencies* and the Student Services Support unit which provides services in:
- speech and hearing
- reading
- social work
- psychology
- psychiatry
* Winnipeg Child and Family Services
* Medical agencies
* Treatment aentres
* Legal agencies
The guidance counsellor works with and supports students individually and in groups. Counselling needs are often identified by teachers, parents and the students themselves. Parents are valuable partners in facilitating counselling, their involvement is a must. Individual counselling can be expanded to include the family. Counselling may include situations such as:
- loss (divorce, death, friend moves away)
- attention (lack of attention from significant other)
- friends
- family
- behaviour
The counsellor is also involved in crisis counselling when something happens that needs immediate attention. The counsellor also acts as a liaison and consults with school support staff, Student Services Support Unit, public health nurse and many other community resource agencies. The counsellor also acts as coordinator for programs and services. This includes working on individual student plans, planning for high school, career education and much more.
The resource teacher:
- assesses students' skills in reading, written expression, spelling, math and study habits based on requests by teachers, administration or parents
- tests students to determine their ability and skill levels and works with teachers to adapt classroom programs
- schedules paraprofessionals to work with students in the classroom or outside the classroom on a temporary basis
Home-reading, writing, spelling and mathematics programs are available:
- for students who need extra help or practice in reading, writing, spelling or mathematics.
- coordinated by the resource teacher and subject teacher. Parents are strongly urged to supervise their children's work on a daily basis and to help their child as needed. In many cases, marks on the home programs are used to boost students marks for that subject at school.
Social Work
ESMP currently has an onsite social worker that works with staff and students each day throughout the school year. The role of our social worker is to support families in a variety of ways. If you are interested in hearing about her supports, please contact the main school office.