Core & Optional Subjects
Early Years Programming
Salisbury Morse Place School offers all regular, prescribed programs. These programs follow the curriculum guides as published by Manitoba Educati. In addition to these regular programs, we offer a number of special programs, as described below.
Basic French (for English program students)
We offer 25 to 30 minutes of instruction in conversational and written French per day, beginning in grade four. This is a nine-year program that continues through the senior years.
All students have access to computers and/or iPads on a rotational basis. Computers in the early years computer lab and in the classrooms enrich children's opportunities for developing skills in research and writing. Students also use the computers to solve problems and explore alternative ways of learning.
All students from Kindergarten to Grade Five receive instruction in music. Iin the primary grades, emphasisis is placed on learning how to keep a steady beat, improving children's listening skills, and developing the "singing" voice. Methodology and instruction include creative movement, use of musical instruments, and active improvisation.
In grades 3 to 5, the children study basic music theory and learn how to play the recorder. Choirs representing particular grade-level groupings are organized each year. Extra-curricular groups in the upper levels include the Orff Percussion Ensemble and Recorder Club.
Any or all of these special groups may perform in the Manitoba Music Festival, as well as at many school and/or community events (e.g., the annual winter and spring school concerts/plays, school assemblies, by special invitation to seniors' residences and shopping centres, etc.).
Physical Education
The elementary physical education program provides each student the opportunity to develop basic motor skills at a young age and to achieve success in later grades.
The philosophy for providing physical education to students is to expose each child to a variety of sports and games, and to instill a desire to remain active for life. This is done not only in phys. ed., but also via intramural sports and extra-curricular activities. Phys. ed. exposes students to gymnastics, aquatics, outdoor activities, many other types of fitness activities, leadership opportunities and more.
Students are required to change out of their classroom clothes for all phys. ed. classes. Non-marking running shoes, shorts or sweatpants and a t-shirt are appropriate attire for the gym.
Middle Years Programming
Core Programs
The middle years section of our school offers two programs to its students: regular program and special education regular program. Most middle years students are enrolled in the regular academic program. Students are required to take eight subjects each school year.
The academic requirements are as follows:
Compulsory Subjects
Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education
Applied Arts (Home Economics/Industrial Arts/Technology)
Optional Subjects
Art or Band
Band and Art are required courses for all grade 6 students. Students in Grades 7-8 have the option to choose band or art. Details on these course fees are available from the office.