Protocol for Communication
If at some point in the year you have a complaint or are experiencing a conflict with a staff member, please keep the following guidelines in mind:
- Meet with the person most directly involved.
- Keep in mind that the goal of any meeting should be to obtain satisfactory resolution of the concerns raised.
- Where satisfactory resolution of the concern is achieved, no further steps should be taken.
- Where there is no satisfactory resolution of your concerns, you may decide to withdraw the concern or proceed to the next step.
Complaints against a teacher or an administrator should proceed in the following order:
Complainant meets with:
- teacher
- principal and teacher
- superintendent, principal, and teacher
- board of trustees, superintendent, principal, and teacher.
- The individual or group raising a complaint should be advised of the proper order for complaints.
- The school division administration, board of trustees or committee of the board should not consider or act upon complaints until the complaints have been explored at the appropriate level.
Guidelines as per Manitoba Teachers’ Society.