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Peer Tutoring Program

River East Collegiate has an active volunteer Peer Tutoring Program. Many grade 10, 11 and 12 students with minimum averages of 80% offer their services on a voluntary basis to help their peers succeed. They work in close cooperation with the resource teacher and program coordinator who provide initial training and on-going support.

Tutorial sessions can take place

•before or after school
•at lunch hour
•or during a common spare.

Most tutorials meet for one hour per week but may vary depending on the needs of the student. Students may request tutorial help for short term or long term contact. Students who have been absent for an extended period of time due to illness can request a tutor to assist them in catching up with the class. Some tutors are also willing to consider additional home tutoring for a reasonable fee.

Research has shown that having peers reinforce what has been taught by the classroom teacher results in greater understanding of content!

How to Request a Tutor

1.Student picks up a Peer Tutoring Request Form from the Resource Office in the UMRC study area over the library.
2.Student and subject teacher complete the form and student returns the form to the Resource Office.
3.Program coordinator selects a tutor and arranges a meeting where the tutor and the student discuss individual needs and set up a meeting schedule.



•attend sessions on a regular basis
•notify resource teacher or tutor if unable to attend tutorial session
•bring books and materials
•complete any work assigned by tutor
•maintain regular attendance in class and keep assignments up to date


•attend sessions regularly
•notify resource teacher or tutee if unable to attend tutorial session
•review tutorial content
•confer with subject teacher
•keep accurate records
•maintain confidentiality

Resource teacher and program coordinator

•select and train tutors
•provide support to tutor and student
•monitor progress
•field questions and concerns
•provide feedback to classroom teacher

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