Regie Routman in Residence
Literacy Project
Reading and writing are critical literacy skills for everybody, and are the foundation for learning. Ongoing and consistent professional learning by teachers leads to more effective literacy instruction, and, ultimately, higher student achievement, engagement and enjoyment. Several years ago, the RETSD adopted a professional learning model, for the teaching of literacy skills, developed by Regie Routman. The model was first introduced in the RETSD at the Early Years level, and is now moving to the Middle Years level. The model calls for the identification of a "Hub" school, whose teachers are coached and mentored by Regie Routman and her associates, over several years. Once the Hub school has developed the culture of professional learning and literacy instruction across all subjects, it serves as a model for other schools in the division; the other schools will have the opportunity to visit classrooms and to see the effective literacy practices in action. Robert Andrews School applied for and was chosen to be the Middle Years Hub School for RETSD.