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Student Services


A counseling program promotes academic success by assisting the student to solve the problems that are interfering with his/her ability to learn. Consultation with teachers and parents may be a part of this process. The counselor is available every day. Referrals may be made by parents, teachers or students. A school counselor is a teacher who has received specialized training in guidance and counseling to assist students. The counselor:

Counsels students…

  • individually and in groups about their concerns 
  • to understand themselves and others 
  • in decision making and problem solving skills 
  • in their future planning 
  • to enhance their self esteem 
  • to help them resolve conflicts with peers and adults


with parents, paraprofessionals, teachers, administrators and support services about a student's behaviour, attendance, academic progress, personal and social development


  • resources to meet student needs
  • school wide guidance programs
  • referrals to school and community agencies
  • interaction between community and school

Reading Recovery

Reading Recovery helps children acquire efficient patterns of learning to enable them to work at the average level of their classmates. Children in the program are those from ordinary classes who struggle in reading and writing after on year in school. The program is different for every child. The teaching is individually designed and delivered to meet the needs of each child.

Resource/Special Education

Our school has one full time and a half time resource teacher. These teachers organize the extra help and services that many of our students need. Referrals to the resource/special education program can be made by teachers or by parental request.

Vision and Hearing Screening

A program that helps in identifying problems in vision and hearing is done with students in kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 3 and Grade 5 in the fall.

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