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Board of Trustees

Senior Administrative Team

The RETSD senior administration team: (back row, left to right) Jason Drysdale, Kelly Barkman, Mark Bruce; (front row, left to right) Tammy Mitchell, Elise Downey, Karen Boyd.

Kelly Barkman—superintendent/CEO
Elise Downey—secretary-treasurer/CFO
Karen Boyd—assistant superintendent—educational programming
Mark Bruce—assistant superintendent—human resources Start of deletedcontentEndof deletedcontentStartofaEndof added content
Jason Drysdale—assistant superintendent—educational services and planning
Tammy Mitchell—assistant superintendent—student services

The senior administration team provides leadership to meet the division's educational priorities, which are to:

  • Enhance student achievement through authentic and appropriate literacy instruction
  • Enhance the climate, culture and inclusivity in all schools through authentic and appropriate universal, targeted and intensive supports
  • Enhance student achievement through authentic and appropriate mathematics instruction

Superintendent's Message

kelly-b-2-_pp.990be85844.jpgAt River East Transcona School Division, we pride ourselves on innovation and excellence in education. We are also extremely proud to be staffed by extraordinary individuals who are committed to working with students, parents and the community to create a learning environment that encourages students to reach their highest potential.

As superintendent/CEO, I believe it is worth stepping back periodically to consider why we believe public education—and local autonomy—matters.

Public education is the foundation on which Canadians build a shared understanding about our world and our country. Through public education we communicate values and beliefs that inform how our society functions and our citizens evolve. It is through individual schools that different aspects of our shared social values are best reflected, depending on grade level and cultural community.

The declared purpose of our division is to educate students to be inspired, skilled, responsible citizens. As each of us in the division works to achieve our purpose, we are practising the intent of public schools.

As a division—and as educational leaders—we must keep sight of our guiding principles as we face the challenges and opportunities ahead. Together, we work hard to serve the needs of the children in our division, set educational priorities, strike direction, achieve purpose and establish a positive culture with emphasis on creating student success.

I am proud to be part of such a great team here at RETSD! Working together, we can continue to make a significant difference in the lives of our students and in our community.

Kelly Barkman

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