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1. We believe in a middle years philosophy.
2. We believe that the middle years students has a variety of developmental needs that can be addressed by:

·   providing opportunities to experience success
·   programming that is varied and flexible
·   programming for individual learning styles and abilities
·   a supportive, flexible team approach 
3. We believe in a positive, schoolwide approach to discipline that includes:

·   clear, consistent expectations and consequences
·   clearly defined bottom lines
·   teaching, modelling and encouraging respect and responsibility
4. We believe in a respectful, caring and secure community that is created by:

·   effective communication amongst all its members
·   a proactive approach towards personal safety
·   opportunities for fun and personal growth
·   a sense of belonging
·   supporting lifelong learning


Arthur Day Middle School was built in 1969 and named after Mr. Arthur Henry Day for the outstanding contribution he made to education in Manitoba. Mr. Day was chairman of the Transcona–Springfield School Board from 1952–62. He was an exceptional man, a hard worker, a dedicated trustee and a sincere friend to all who knew him. In April 1963, Mr. Day passed on, but the name of our school carries on in his memory.

Entering the building

Hall doors will be opened at 8:35 a.m. and 12:25 p.m. DO NOT enter the halls before these times. Students will not be permitted to stand in the entrance foyers before the above times unless the weather is inclement and a staff member has given permission.

Lock and lockers

There is no charge to students when locks are issued. If the lock is lost during the school year, there is an $8 replacement charge. Keep your locker locked! You are responsible for all textbooks issued to you and for your own property, too. Use of school-issued locks is mandatory.

Lost and found

Any articles found in or around the school should be promptly turned in to the office. All students are responsible for their own possessions—they should hold onto them or keep them in their lockers, which should be kept locked.

Damaged or lost books

Damages will be assessed and appropriate charges will be levied for any books lost or damaged.

School lunch privileges

All students, with the exception of those who are bused, are strongly encouraged to go home for lunch. However, if you stay for lunch you must eat in the vicinity of the canteen and at 11:55 a.m. you must do one of the following:

· Go to a gym activity (as a participant)
· Go to the library to read or do homework (visiting is not allowed)
· Go to a club sponsored by a teacher
· Go outside and stay outside until 12:25 p.m. You must bring proper outerwear with you.

Clean up your own garbage, papers, peels, etc.

Any abuse of the above lunch rules will result in a suspension of lunch privileges. The length of time will be determined by the administration.

There will be NO hall traffic from 11:55 a.m. –12:25 p.m. You are only allowed upstairs after 11:25 a.m. with a hall pass, unless you are under direct adult supervision.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are NOT allowed at school. These items create an unnecessary mess in the school and have little beneficial food value.

Canteen hours

The only time students may go to the canteen, other than at lunchtime, is when they are in industrial arts and home economics. The canteen will be open to students from 11:25–11:55 a.m.

Student telephone

The office telephone may be used in emergencies only when written permission by a staff member is provided. A pay phone is available for routine student use and students can purchase phone cards at the office.


Accidents involving students must be promptly reported to the principal’s office. Our school is equipped with a medical room adjacent to the office if minor first aid is required.

School property

Damage to school property must be reported promptly. Such damage will be paid for by the student—or student body as a whole though the student council—if it appears to have been done deliberately.

Private property

Outside of regular school hours, students are expected to be respectful of property within the community. Arthur Day strives to be a good neighbour. Please remain on school property during the lunch hour.


Bicycles must be parked in the stands or other appropriate areas. No bicycles may be parked on the lawns, sidewalks, where people generally walk or where cars drive. A lock is a must.

Skateboards, rollerblades and scooters may be used to and from school but must be carried inside the building and secured in lockers during the day.

Skateboards, rollerblades, bikes and scooters are not to be used on school property between 8:15 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., except in the designated areas. The school assumes no responsibility for bicycles in the bike racks.

MP3 players/iPods

Students are strongly encouraged to not bring their electronic devices to school. If brought to school, these items are to remain in the lockers. Students are advised not to bring expensive items to school at any time.

Cellphones and electronic communication devices

At early years, middle years and junior high schools, student use of cellphones and other electronic communication devices is NOT permitted in the school or on school property unless directed by the teacher/school. This applies to locker breaks, class changes and lunch hour. It is expected that communication during the school day will occur through the school office or as directed by school policy. School officials, including classroom teachers, may confiscate electronic communications devices from students if they are used for unauthorized purposes or at unauthorized times. Repeated unauthorized use may lead to further action as determined by the school.

River East Transcona School Division will assume no responsibility in any circumstance for the loss, destruction, damage or theft of any electronic communication device or for any communication bill associated with the unauthorized use of such devices. Students and families are responsible for locating such lost or stolen items.

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