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Student Services

The student services department at Transcona Collegiate is comprised of 2 counsellors and  2.5 resource teachers. Student services personnel work with students, teachers, and parents addressing the emotional, academic, attendance, and behavioural concerns that may impede student success. Student services also offers information and a variety of skills necessary for decision making and success beyond high school.

Counselling Program Goals

Transcona Collegiate counselling program is designed to meet all of our students' needs. Students/parents can access counselling services for the following reasons:

- Course selection that will lead to future goals 
- Entrance Requirements for post-secondary institutes 
- Support for obstacles that may be preventing school success 
- To connect with supportive agencies 
- Job and volunteer opportunities 
- Award/financial support for post-secondary training 
- Alternate school placements 
- Internet connection to work, university, college, career decision making, and many more web sites


Students have the right to speak to a counselor in confidence unless there is a reason to believe the student may harm themselves or someone else, or if it is ordered by the courts to release information.

Getting in Touch with Your Counsellor

Students and parents should contact the appropriate counsellor:

Mrs. C. Young
Mrs. J. Knutson

Supportive Agencies

Addictions Foundation of Canada

We have an in-school AFM worker, Lisa Cameron, who works out of her office in the school library on Tuesdays and Thursdays all day.  You can leave a note for an appointment or call and leave a message at 944-7052.

The Canadian Mental Health Association

We are pleased to announce a new online resource for students with psychiatric disabilities. Your Education - Your Future: a guide to college and university for students with psychiatric disabilities is a comprehensive resource for Canadian students providing information on all aspects of post-secondary education.

Mental Health and High School Website

The high school years can be a difficult time for many people. For adolescents who are struggling with mental health problems or mental health illness, this period is particularly challenging. Yet it also represents an opportunity for young people to get the necessary support at the earliest possible stage, thereby maximizing the potential for a successful outcome.

Addictions Foundation Of Manitoba

Provides prevention treatment and rehabilitation for people with problems involving misuse of alcohol, drugs and other chemical substances or with gambling. 1031 Portage Ave, 944-6200, Gambling help line: 944-6382 - Toll free 1-(800) 463-1554 

Women’s Health Clinic

Provides medical and health services for women. Operates a teen clinic on Thursdays between 4:00pm-9:00pm, at 419 Graham Ave., 947-1517 .

Child Guidance Clinic

Clinicians support Transcona Collegiate students and offer the following services: psychology, social work, speech therapy. If you feel your son/daughter could benefit from these services, speak with a counsellor or call 669-5660. 

CGC - Polson School, 491 Munroe Ave. 

Society for Depression and Manic-Depression

Provides support and information to individuals afflicted with depression and manic-depression, their families and friends. 4-1000 Notre Dame Ave, 786-0987 - Toll free 1-(800) 263-1460 

MacDonald Youth Services - Youth Emergency Crisis Stabilization System

The purpose of this service is to:

  • provide community-based emergency and crisis services to children who formerly accessed institutionally based services
  • to make crisis services available to all children and their families in a timely and appropriate fashion, if they are experiencing psychosocial and related emergencies
  • Telephone crisis counselling
  • After hours referral to Mobile Crisis Team Emergency and Crisis Intervention Service
  • 24 hour intake - 949-4777

Winnipeg Child and Family Services

Provides mandated child welfare services to families with children under 18. 505 Pandora Avenue West, 944-4507, Intake: 944-4200 


Offers counselling services and suicide and crisis intervention. 870 Portage Avenue, 786-8686 (24 hour crisis line), 786-8631 (24 hour sexual assault counselling), 784-4059 (counselling intake) 

Kids Help Phone

Operates a 24 hour toll free counselling service for troubled children and youth providing emotional supports, counselling and information, referrals. 1-(800) 668-6868 

Colleen Simonson - Public Health Nurse

Winnipeg Community & Long Term Care Authority, 945-2310

Careers and Higher Education

Please access the "Resources" link on the navigation to the left.

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