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Fair Play and Glad to Be Rad

Radisson School has a school wide initiative promoting citizenship and fair play.    Our motto is “We care, We share, We play fair!”  The school has a GLAD to be RAD reward system which recognizes students who have been caught following one of the four basic school rules, demonstrating their caring, sharing and playing fair.  The students receive a GLAD to be RAD ticket, the ticket is read over the PA, and the students have the opportunity to win a thumbs-up charm indicating they are GLAD to be RAD.

To further promote Fair Play, twice a year;  fall and spring, at the start of the term, we run a half day Recess Activity Day.  The classroom teachers take their classes around to a variety of outdoor stations where the students learn recess games or activities, try out new equipment that is purchased for bins that will rotate weekly and play and review the rules to some old favorites; 4-square, tetherball, football, etc.  The focus for the day is on playing fair – how to make fair teams; how to play for fun and participation vs. competition; how to share the equipment and how to care for each other.

Here at Radisson we are truly “GLAD to be RAD!"

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