Lord Wolseley School is an English program school that provides instruction for students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 as authorized by Manitoba Education and the River East Transcona School Division. Specific subject areas include:
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Physical Education / Health
- Music
- Art
- Basic French for students in Grades 4, 5 and 6
For more specific subject area information, please see the Manitoba Education website.
Additionaly, students attend Library classes where they are allowed to sign out books and take them home to read. Parents are encouraged to share reading time with their children and to remind them to return books promptly. Lost or damaged books will result in a replacement charge being assessed. Classes will also have the opportunity to participate in inquiry-based learning with the teacher-librarian. For more information on our Library program, please refer to the section entitled LIBRARY.