School Environment
Lord Wolseley School strives to provide an environment that is safe, nurturing and challenging. Co-operative, safe, responsible behaviour is taught and encouraged. Communication between parents, staff and students is considered essential to the students’ growth and development. We believe that such an environment facilitates the learning process of each child and encourages lifelong learning.
School Expectations
At Lord Wolseley School, we are:
- Respectful
- Responsible
- Safe
School Hours
Lord Wolseley School operates on a six-day cycle. Days are designated as 1-6 rather than a Monday to Friday schedule. A full day cycle calendar and calendar of events for the year is sent home in the fall and is also available in the DOCUMENTS AND FORMS section on our website. This is the daily time schedule:
- 8:55 a.m. - Entry Bell
- 10:15 – 10:45 - Morning Recess
- 11:45 – 12:45 - Lunch Hour
- 2:00 – 2:15 - Afternoon Recess
- 3:30 p.m. - Dismissal
Students who arrive prior to 8:55 or 12:45 are to stay on the playground unless directed otherwise by staff. Students are to use their assigned doors when entering and exiting the school.
All kindergarten students, with the exception of those transported by school bus, are to be dropped off and picked up outside their entry/exit doors by a parent/guardian. Their classroom teacher will meet students in the morning and bring them back to the doors at dismissal.
To ensure student safety, students are expected to go straight home from school at dismissal times. Once they have reported home and have parental permission, they may return to the school grounds after 4 p.m. Where possible, parents are asked to accompany their children to ensure their safety. Only students who are accompanied by a parent/guardian may play on the structure between 3:30 and 4:00.
Supervision of Students
Adult supervision of students on the playground is provided as follows:
- Arrival at school: 8:45 – 8:55
- Morning recess: 10:15 – 10:30
- Lunch break: 12:15 – 12:45
- Afternoon recess: 2:00 – 2:15
- At the end of the school day: 3:30 - 3:40
Student Absence
For safety reasons, Lord Wolseley School has a call-back program in place. If your child is going to be absent, we ask that you call the school to inform us. If we have not received your call by 9:15 a.m., staff will contact the parent or guardian.
If you know your child is going to be absent or late, you can call the school office voicemail at 204-661-2384 and leave a message indicating the child's name, teacher and reason for absence. The voicemail operates from 4 pm to 8 am. Please allow six rings for the voicemail to answer.
Children arriving late for school must report to the office for an entry slip.
Please contact the school office in advance or send a note to your child's teacher should your child be required to leave school early for appointments, etc. Please attempt to schedule medical appointments outside of school hours when possible. If it is necessary to take your child to an appointment during the school day, please make arrangements to pick your child up at school. Parents must sign students in and out at the office.
Please keep dismissal time arrangements as routine as possible. Should a change be necessary due to an emergent situation please contact the school prior to 3 p.m. as calls after this time are difficult to communicate. If your child will not be taking the bus, please call the RETSD Transportation Department at 669-0202.
Lunch Program
Daily lunch supervision for students is provided by the Lord Wolseley School Lunch Program. This is a not-for-profit, user-pay program that offers parents the option to register their child(ren) as either full-time or casual users and pay a fee accordingly. Students registered in the lunch program may eat lunch at school providing the students behave in an acceptable manner and all fees have been paid. All students staying for lunch are required to bring a lunch and we ask you to help us by sending leak proof, easy-to-open containers and spoons, etc. when needed. Further information and registration forms are available in the sectionDOCUMENTS AND FORMS.
Discipline Policy
Discipline at Lord Wolseley School will focus on school wide positive behaviour and the school’s three expectations. Lord Wolseley School staff will be responsible for teaching and monitoring behavioural expectations established. Lord Wolseley School follows the guidelines set out in the school division’s code of conduct.
Professional Development Days
Lord Wolseley School staff is involved in professional development activities considered priorities by our school division. Parent-teacher conferences, report card preparation and administration days are also designated by the school. Information regarding these activities is communicated by school newsletter.
Field Trips
Many out-of-school excursions take place throughout the year. A notice indicating the destination, length of visit, and mode of transportation will be sent home. The participation of all students in these field trips is strongly encouraged. WRITTEN PARENTAL CONSENT is required in order for a student to participate.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades
For students who ride bicycles to school, the following expectations are in place to ensure safety:
- Bikes must be locked to the bicycle rack at the front of the school
- Children are encouraged to wear properly fitted helmets when riding their bikes
- Children must walk their bike when on the school grounds
- Children must dismount and walk their bikes across the intersections that are patrolled.
- The school cannot be responsible for any damage or loss.
Please note that skateboards and rollerblades are not permitted at Lord Wolseley School.
Electronic Items, Expensive Toys, Trading Cards
Students are not to bring electronic items or expensive toys such as, but not limited to iPods, hand held video games, or cameras to school. These items are expensive and can be easily broken or get misplaced, often causing considerable disruption during the school day. Also, students are not to bring various collector/trading cards to school as students often regret the trades they made. As a result, students become upset and learning is compromised. Cell phones that are brought to school for safety reasons must be turned off during school hours, including lunch, and are not to be used during the school day. Please note that the school is not responsible for any damage or loss to items of this nature that are brought to school.
Lost and Found
An amazing amount of clothing and equipment is left in the school and never claimed. We keep these items in the lost and found bins located by the office until the end of June when we donate them to charity. Please label hats, scarves, mitts, runners, boots, gym clothing, etc. with your child’s name. This helps us find and return lost items to the rightful owners. Should your child lose something, please remind them to check the bin.
School Newsletter
A newsletter is sent home bi-monthly. It will include important information about the school and community. The calendar of events will let parents know the days school will be closed. Please check this carefully and keep it handy.Newsletters can also be viewed on our website.