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Health & Safety

Administration of Medication

Many students attending school require medication for the medical management of chronic disabilities and illnesses. With the exception of asthma inhalers and Epi-pens, students are not allowed to self-administer medication. Parents must complete an Authorization for the Administration of Prescription Medication form. School division staff is prohibited from administering medication unless we have this authorization. Authorization forms can be obtained on the division's website or by contacting the school office at 958-6832.

Please do not send medication to school with your child. It must be delivered to the office by an adult.

All medications must have a prescription label.

If your child has a medical concern (asthma, life threatening allergy, seizure disorder, etc.) please call the school principal. If required, a health care plan will be put in place after a signed Release of Information URIS  form has been completed.

Nut-safe School

ÉMU is a nut-safe school. We will make every effort to protect students with life threatening allergies from exposure to nut/tree nuts and nut products, however no individual or organization can guarantee an allergy-free environment. In order to minimize the risk of exposure, we ask parents to support the following avoidance strategies:

  • Do not send any food to school containing nut/tree nuts or nut products.
  • Encourage children to wash their hands prior to going to school, particularly if they have consumed peanut butter, peanuts or nut products at home.
  • Assist children in understanding the seriousness of life-threatening allergies and encourage them to be supportive and to respect the student with the allergies.
  • Inform the teacher before sending food products to school for parties and special events.  Please send a list of ingredients whenever possible.
  • Report any information regarding situations where the student with allergies has been teased, bullied or threatened with an allergic substance to the school administrator.

School Nutrition Policy


École Margaret Underhill recognizes its responsibility in co-operation with the home and community to encourage healthy lifestyles. We acknowledge the importance that nutrition plays in the overall development and performance of each individual.

ÉMU believes that the food served or sold in schools should reinforce good nutrition as emphasized in the Manitoba Physical Education/Health Education Curriculum 2001.


Nutrition plays a significant role in growth and development, resistance to disease, and physical and mental health. It is important for children to have food that is nutritionally well balanced. Research clearly shows that many chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer have their roots in childhood and early food habits. Research also demonstrates a relationship between nutrition, and children’s physical, emotional and intellectual readiness to learn. The school’s role in health promotion and disease prevention is significant. 

A significant number of children do not receive enough essential nutrients to support growth and good health. Short-term effects of malnutrition are tiredness, irritability, inattentiveness, and increased susceptibility to colds, flu, and infections.

Long-term effects include underachievement in school, poor self-esteem and continuing poor health.


EMU will continue to promote healthy eating and active living through our food programs, nutrition education and physical education. We will ensure that all decisions involving food and drink at EMU will be carried out in the best interests of our children and our school community needs. Our continuing education will incorporate Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating and the Manitoba Physical Education/Health Education Curriculum and will encourage the eating of nutritional foods during classroom and school functions.

Fundraising in the school will not rely solely on the sale of non-nutritious foods. 

School community members will be encouraged to bring only food belonging to one or more of the four food groups of Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating for class parties, recess snacks and lunches.

School groups will be encouraged to offer healthy lunch choices on special lunch days. 

  • Food selections must omit foods outlined in regulation JLCG-R2 – Anaphylaxis Avoidance Strategies.
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