Student Behaviour
Student Behaviour
At Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton School we want to maintain a school climate where teachers are committed to doing their best in educating your child, and your child, in turn, is committed to learning as much as he or she possibly can while at school. This is to be done in an environment that is safe, pleasant, happy and challenging.
Code of conduct and behavioural expectations
The conduct of students in the building, in the classroom, and on the playground is of vital importance to us. We encourage students to have respect for each other, for staff and all adults. The opportunity for learning and the safety of students depends upon the students’ willingness to behave in a courteous, caring and respectful manner and take ownership for their behaviour. Our expectations are for all children to have the opportunity to learn in a safe and nurturing environment. When necessary disciplinary actions will be taken to meet those expectations these will be developmental in a k to 6 setting and consistent with the division's code of conduct.
- Students may be removed from the classroom if their behaviour is so disruptive that it prevents the other students from learning. They may have a brief "time out" outside of their classroom or moved to a work space in the school office for an extended time out when warranted.
- Call to the parents - If a behavioural concern persists, the teacher will contact home to enlist parental support to help the student be successful at school. A school administrator may get involved at this point as well.
- Students must feel safe while attending school. Students who are involved in ongoing or severe physical confrontations with others may be suspended from school, keeping with the RETSD Code of Conduct & Safe Schools Policy. A meeting also may be required with an administrator, the student, and one or both parents before the student is able to return to class.
The school and home must work co-operatively to address and support behaviour problems. We believe all children respond to positive role modelling and efforts to bring about a behavioural change. We use varied strategies to help students reflect upon their behaviour and deal with their anger including the school’s school-wide positive behaviour initiative, recess time out, a quiet space, Second Step, playground leaders, and problem solving techniques.
School wide positive behaviour initiative
Dr. Hamilton School revolves around continuing to teach students to display respectful behaviours in and out of the classroom.
Dr. Hamilton's guiding principles are: Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful. Students are encouraged to meet expectations in how they treat and interact with others through learning examples, experiences and family groups, etc.
As a staff, we believe that our students deserve the best possible education and learning environment. To help make an excellent learning environment staff and students are developing criteria for all the environments at school.