House System
House Groups 2014 - 2015
At Chief Peguis we have implemented the House System. With the focus on building community, service to others and personal responsibility, a house system has been created honouring our link to aboriginal culture and the Seven Teachings.
Every homeroom belongs to one of the six house groups. Students are encouraged to join in with staff to become involved in there school community and earn points for their house group.
Each of the six houses has been named after one of the seven sacred animals with the wolf representing the entire school.
EAGLE (LOVE) We, the students of Chief Peguis, choose to make a difference by showing care and concern for others.
BUFFALO (RESPECT) We are respectful to all students, staff and property.
TURTLE (TRUTH) We encourage always telling the truth even when it is hard.
BEAR (COURAGE) We dare to be unique and have the courage to make a positive choice.
SABE (HONESTY) We believe in always being ourselves and living true to our spirit.
BEAVER (WISDOM) As students of Chief Peguis, we use our knowledge and judgment to make good decisions.
Our house system fosters healthy competition, camaraderie, leadership, cross grade groupings and relationships, teamwork, tolerance, cooperation and a greater sense of belonging.
Eagles | Paulsen Robins Wallace |
Buffalo | Lewicki Yvon-Moreau Nemeth |
Turtle | Camuyong Hoorman Kurtz |
Bears | Bochen DeFoorti Nishizeki |
Sabe | Kawalec Martens Rouire |
Beaver | Kulyk McIntyre Mooney |