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Bird's Hill School is committed to facilitating and supporting effective educational programming for learners with diverse needs. In keeping with the Appropriate Educational Programming Regulations of the Province of Manitoba, the resource team works in collaboration with school staff, divisional support staff, students, and parents to assist in the planning and implementation of appropriate programming for students at Bird's Hill School.

The resource model followed at the school includes collaboration, consultation and direct service. Parents who have concerns about their child's academic or behavioral program should first consult with their child's classroom teacher. The classroom teacher will then review the issues with the resource team to determine which actions need to be taken. Prior to the implementation of an academic or behavioral plan the following steps will be taken: observation, interview and assessment. Parents will be notified and will have input into the development of the student's plan.

Materials for parent and student loan are available from the resource area located next to the office.

Lead the Way With ELA - A parent report on what’s new in English language arts

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