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Student Busing

River East Transcona School Division provides transportation for students who reside more than 1.6 km from their designated school and for special education students.

All students receive emergency bus evacuation training from River East Transcona School Division. Each driver has special training in appropriate safety procedures and is responsible for the safety of the students. When necessary a trained student bus patrol is used to help the students cross the road safely.

It is expected that all students will exhibit appropriate behaviour on the school bus at all times. The safety of our students depends on the driver being able to drive without distraction. Should a student exhibit inappropriate behaviour on a school bus, the misbehaviour will be dealt with in the following manner:

  1. The bus driver will meet with the student and outline expected behaviour. The driver will complete the misconduct report (white slip), describe the action taken and have the student (grades 4-6) sign the report. This report is to be kept by the driver. Copies will be sent to the transportation department and the principal or vice-principal.
  2. Once the school receives the first report (white slip), the administration will meet with the student to investigate the incident and determine the appropriate action to be taken. Parents will be contacted and made aware of the concern. At this point, parents are expected to reinforce the school and division policy by explaining to their child the importance of appropriate behaviour on the bus.
  3. If inappropriate behaviour continues, the consequences become more serious. The school will continue to work with parents to consider all aspects of the problem and examine all possible alternatives in order to take appropriate action. This may include a temporary suspension of student bus riding privileges for up to five days or if the problem continues permanent suspension from the bus. Remember, the safety of all of our students is of utmost importance. We need to work together as partners (home and school) to ensure that our students ride to and from school safety.

The River East Transcona School Division transportation department will not approve students traveling to friends' homes on another school bus.

***Please refer to the RETSD pupil transportation information pamphlet, (LINK?) distributed to students by the transportation department, for further information.

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