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School Patrols

All student patrols receive an extensive training program through either the River East Transcona School Division or Bird's Hill School, and the East St. Paul Police. Bus patrols, street-crossing patrols, kindergarten patrols, are provided in the following manner:

Bus Patrols - are provided by either Robert Andrews School or Bird's Hill School.  

Street Patrols - will be at their posts from 9:10-9:25 a.m. and 4-4:10 p.m. Students are requested to cross at designated crosswalks and if no sidewalk is available, walk on the left hand side, facing traffic. Locations for crossing guards will be determined on an as-needed basis.

As most of our students stay for lunch, a limited number of street patrols will be at posts. These patrols will be on duty from 12:15-12:20 p.m. and 1:05-1:10 p.m.

Kindergarten Patrols - will be organized to help the bus students become familiar with bus routine. In the interest of safety you need to know that the school is not in a position to be able to walk kindergarten students to and from school. If you will be arranging either morning or afternoon care for your child, please ensure that this includes walking your child to and from school.

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