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Students may bring bicycles to school during warm weather. Students riding their bike must wear a helmet. If bicycles are brought to school, they must be locked in the bike rack at the front of the building. However, the school cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage of such items. Please review bicycle safety recommendations with your son/daughter:

Adequate training in proper bicycle riding

  1. Ride single
  2. Respect all traffic rules
  3. Have a lock to secure the bicycle in the rack
  4. Leave the bicycle on the rack until it is time to go home
  5. Wear a helmet when riding the bicycle

Skateboards/scooters/roller-blades are not permitted at school. “Wheelies” (shoes with any type of wheels) are not allowed at school as they present a safety hazard for students.

Emergency Procedures

Emergency Response Plan

Angus McKay School has an emergency response plan that outlines our school’s systematic handling of an emergency or tragic event. Our on-site emergency response team is responsible for co-ordinating and implementing the plan and maintaining stability in the school in the event of an emergency.

Fire Drill/Bus Evacuation Drill/Lockdown drill

The students participate in at least 10 fire drills, two lockdown drills, two hold and secure drills and two bus evacuation drills each year. If the alarm goes off in inclement weather, staff will evacuate the students immediately to John Black United Church (see below). A complete summary of our fire and other drill procedures are available at the school in our emergency response plan binder.

Emergency closing of the school

If the school is to be closed due to severe weather conditions, this decision will be communicated on the RETSD website, RETSD social media, as well as several local radio stations. Additionally, the school will make every effort to communicate via email and/or our school website.

Emergency Evacuation

In the event of an emergency situation at the school such as a fire, mechanical problems or power failure it may be necessary to evacuate students from the school. If there is inclement weather, we will exit the building as if it were a fire drill and proceed immediately to our primary evacuation site, which is John Black United Church. The following points should help clarify procedures in the event of an evacuation:

  1. School staff will supervise the students in the multipurpose rooms of John Black United Church.
  2. The school division office will be informed of the evacuation.
  3. Students will be supervised on site until we are allowed to return to school or until regular dismissal times.
  4. Parents will be notified if the students are at John Black United Church at dismissal time.
  5. Parents are to go to the classroom teacher and sign out their child from the evacuation site.

Visitors and Volunteers

All visitors and parents/guardians are required to report to the school office upon arrival. Visitors and volunteers are required to sign in and wear a visitor’s identification tag.

To help protect student and staff safety, all doors will be locked between 9:10 a.m. and 11:45 and from 12:50p.m. onward, except for the front door. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday when the nursery is using the building the end door will be locked after 9:30 a.m. when the children have entered the building.

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