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It is difficult for a child to concentrate and learn when he/she is not feeling well. Please keep your child at home during a serious illness to facilitate a speedy recovery. Check here for some guidelines. Health care plans will be developed in consultation with families for any student with a life-threatening or serious medical condition, which could affect the student during the school day.



There are several children attending Angus McKay who suffer a LIFE-THREATENING allergy to peanut butter and nuts. Even exposure to a tiny amount of this item could be potentially serious and life threatening. We need your help in providing as safe an environment as possible for these students. Angus McKay is a nut free environment. Please do not bring or send anything to school that contains any type of nuts.

We the staff and parent community strive to provide a safe environment for all our students. To this end, we have reviewed the individual needs of our students and the procedures and policies presently in place. Although the specific child and family must take responsibility to avoid exposure, we can also help to make the school environment safer.

We therefore ask your co-operation.

We ask that:

  • You avoid sending all snacks or items containing nuts with your child to school including food, snacks or chips cooked in peanut oil.
  • You inform your child’s teacher before giving food products to any child, other than your own at school.

Thank you for your consideration and support in this matter. As a school team, we will do our utmost to ensure the safety of all students.

At the beginning of each year parents will be notified if there is a student with a life threatening allergy in their child's class, and what the child is allergic to. Thank you for responding appropriately to this information by not sending food that contains that allergen.

Accident Insurance

Voluntary student insurance may be obtained from the Reliable Life Insurance Company. The Manitoba Association of School Trustees recommends this plan. The school distributes application forms each September.

Accident Procedures

Our staff will attend to any child who receives a minor scrape, cut or bruise. Several people on staff hold CPR and First Aid certificates, some staff have a CPR certificate only. Should a child receive a more serious injury the following procedures are followed.

  1. Parents, guardians or the designated emergency contact person will be phoned. If possible they will transport their child to the family doctor or to the hospital.
  2. Should no one be available to contact, we will transport the child to the nearest hospital for medical assistance or call an ambulance.

The school administration requests that all parents leave the name and phone number of someone to be contacted in case of an emergency. The school contacts these people only when we cannot contact the child's parent or guardian in an emergency situation. Please remember to update the contact name and phone number with the office if changes are made during the school year.


You will be phoned promptly about any serious injury that might require medical attention such as serious cuts, possible sprains, breaks or concussions. If you are unable to transport your son/daughter to a doctor or hospital, we will take the child in question or call an ambulance on your behalf. You are reminded that hospitals will require parental consent. Please ensure that your Manitoba medical number and your child’s personal number are indicated on the student registration form, as well as an up-to-date list of emergency phone numbers so that we may make contact in case of such emergencies. 

Administration of Medication

Medication will only be administered to students in accordance with school division policy. Students are not allowed to self-administer medication, except for epi-pens and puffers. In the interest of safety, parents must complete a form and hand deliver the medication to the school prior to the school administering medication. These forms can be obtained from the office. This procedure applies to prescribed and over-the-counter medication. Medication needs to be brought to the office by the parent/guardian and they complete all forms. No student in kindergarten to Grade 6 should have medication in their possession. Click here for the appropriate forms.

Communicable Diseases

Occasionally we find that cases of communicable disease occur in our school. Pediculosis (head lice), pink eye and other skin infections are some of these. We ask that you keep your child at home until either your family doctor or the public health nurse has indicated it is safe to return. Should we discover such cases, we will notify the child's parents. In the case of lice, a pamphlet describing how to identify and control the spread will be distributed to all members of a class where lice are found. It is the parents’ responsibility to monitor their child’s health and to notify the school if you suspect a case of lice, scabies, pink eye, etc.

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