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Social Studies

1/20/2015                                                                                                        Social Studies (M. Raposo) 

Robert Andrews Social Studies Program

The Social Studies program enables students to acquire the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to understand Canada and the world in which they live. 

Curricular component - Skill instruction is centered on developing the general learning outcomes (GLO’s), which are:

- Identity, culture, and community
- The Land: Places and People
- Historical connections
- Global Interdependence
- Power and Authority
- Economics and Resources

Each grade level focuses on a different topic:

Grade 6: Canada: A Country of Change (1867 to Present)
Grade 7: People and Places in the World
Grade 8: World History: Societies of the Past

Instruction is differentiated for all learning style needs to be met. Assessment is done according to provincial requirements:

- Knowledge and understanding
- Critical thinking and citizenship
- Research and communication

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